Thursday, September 3, 2020

Poem Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Sonnet Analysis - Essay Example Love develops in the hearts of the darlings every which way like the octopus. A fire-walker strolls on the fire for a couple of moments yet a sweetheart strolls for life with his heart aflame. In one of the sonnets talked about, the darling notices about adoration significantly in the afterlife. The communication with the adored and her words keeps a great many any desires for the darlings alive! The thumps of the hearts of sweethearts are commonly controlled and the darlings react as needs be. The fowl of affection moves with tempting pace inside the hearts of darlings. Love is the everlasting consider that keeps the hearts of the darlings at any point locked in. On the off chance that God needs to censure somebody, he does as such by giving the sweetheart a messed up heart. After the principal tremor of affection, the heart is never the equivalent for eternity. Every such idea inundate my brain when I read the sonnets. The luxurious string of adoration goes through the sonnets The Folly of Being Comforted (W. B. Yeats), My Last Duchess (Robert Browning, 1812-1889), Sonnet 116 (William Shakespeare) and Sonnet 43 - How Do I Love Thee (Elizabeth Barrett Browning). To live through the aches of affection is an extraordinary encounter and the person who has experienced that procedure alone can see how significant those snapshots of enduring are. Genuine romance continues increasing and energy decreases with time. Love is the valuable crude material for the man-lady relationship and the endowment of God to mankind. In the sonnet â€Å"The Folly of Being Comforted† by W.B. Yeats, the speaker puts forth an earnest attempt to depict through mind regarding a matter which is the space of heart. In the war identified with affection, psyche and heart can never settle. The shrewd saying goes†there is a marvel in the dawn and furthermore in the dusk. The topic of the sonnet is â€Å"love rises above the physical changes in the body and, hence, it overcomes timeà ¢â‚¬ . The artist gets steamed and with an end goal to discover through the state of mind of solitary love, counts the physical changes that occur with time, and how the body of his dearest gives up to the requests. He begs the heart to be fulfilled and acknowledges the condition of beloved’s ebbing magnificence. The sweetheart is reluctant to concur that the winding down magnificence of his adored is the reason for concern. The artist utilizes doublespeak to communicate compassion. He sees her hair â€Å"threads of grey† and â€Å"little shadows come about her eyes† that show obscured skin with little wrinkles. Be that as it may, they are irrelevant and the sweetheart is as yet interested by her magnificence. The lover’s insight acts the hero and supports his contentions, that with the progression of time, the heart will react better and will have the option to acknowledge the real factors identified with the body, the loss of beloved’s excellenc e and her indifference towards him. The flush of energy, regardless of beloved’s age, is underlined by the writer in the words â€Å"fire that mixes about her, when she stirs.† This is a wonderful analogy for fire. In a definitive examination, heart wins and Yeats will not acknowledge the contention of the astuteness identifying with the propelling age of his cherished. This sonnet is a strangely shaped poem. The artist has utilized basic words to deliver a decent work, which tenders an expressive contention against the contention that ladies become less excellent with propelling age. â€Å"Sonnet 116† by William Shakespeare communicates pretty much indistinguishable assumptions from communicated in â€Å"The Folly of Being Comforted† by W. B. Yeats, however with more accentuation. The initial five lines show the genuine meaning of affection and the

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Question and Answers on the American Criminal Justice Essay Example

Question and Answers on the American Criminal Justice Essay Example Question and Answers on the American Criminal Justice Paper Question and Answers on the American Criminal Justice Paper Clarify why individual rights and open request viewpoints are such disagreeable issues in contemporary American Society. Singular rights and open request have been disagreeable issues since it requires a steady adjusting to maintain those individual rights, while likewise ensuring our resident. Execution of this exercise in careful control is under consistent examination by two gatherings: singular rights advocates, who need to secure the individual flexibilities inside the criminal equity framework and open request advocates, which accept the interests of society should overshadow singular rights, under hold conditions including a criminal danger to open wellbeing. So as to work in a general public that individuals need to live inside, this parity must be overseen cautiously. The individual view of either class will impact the other and can prompt the issue we are seeing today, in Ferguson, MO over the shooting of young person, Michael Brown (Schmeltzer, K, 2014). The consistent utilization of the media, anxious to show twenty second recordings of police utilizing over the top power or dangerous power against residents, is a contributing element toward the interruption of this parity. It doesn't show the official keeping he standard power continuum which hinted at that point of activity. This absence of total honesty makes a view of rights infringement and can upset open request. Henceforth, the explanation numerous law implementation organizations have found a way to acquire on-body cameras. Loss of open request would make an alternate society from what we have today. There would be a feeling of dread and individuals would not leave their homes, making a domino impact that sway everything. Mostly tutoring and training would not be there as we would not have qualified individuals to uphold and indict lawbreakers. Opportunity isn't ere and without open request, just the solid would endure. Quickly examine how the primary segments of the criminal equity framework can on occasion supplement one another and now and again likewise be in strife with one another. Give models. The criminal equity framework comprise of three fundamental segments: Police, who authorize the laws, secure property and look after request; Courts, which condemn and indict likewise; and Corrections, that house, direct, and restore detainees. It additionally comprise of TTY. Or then again significant models, the accord model, which expresses the three part cooperate toward a typical AOL; and the contention model, that says that every segment work independently towards their own advantage, which can strife with each other and lead to the presence of a non-framework. Notwithstanding, under either model, every segment relies upon what different ones does and any adjustments in that procedure can effectsly affect different segments (Schmeltzer, F. , 2014). Under the agreement model where the parts cooperate; you would see a smooth development of cases through the equity framework, from capture, to court appearance to condemning. Yet, frequently time than not, the deliver model has its day in court, particularly when there is an absence of comprehension/understanding of the law, alongside including individual feelings or complete negligence. At the point when this happens, it can influence numerous features of the procedure and society observation. Police make the capture and follow convention, at that point need to stress over the courts excusing their endeavors, since they should put accentuation on the privileges of the blamed. Amendment need to work as well as could be expected to follow court governing and manage over populace. This at that point obviously prompts Correction evaluating cases for inconsideration of early discharge, which is in struggle with the court framework and conceivably influences - a different subject; open wellbeing (Schmeltzer, R, 2014). Of the different phases of the American criminal equity case, which particular stage, as you would like to think, is generally basic from the wrongdoing control point of view, and which stage from the fair treatment viewpoint? Clarify why. In the different phases of the American criminal equity process, captures are generally basic under the wrongdoing control point of view, as having high numbers in this stage reflect: more tight authority over wrongdoing, diminishes the crime percentage, expands open request/security and stops extra endeavors - of followers;to carry on in comparable habits. Absence of basic mindfulness in this stage leaves an open greeting for crooks to go about as they want, which places general society at serious risk and upset the request. Reputable resident would then feel dangerous and want to protect themselves at all cost, prompting extra wrongdoing and turmoil. Quick captures, under the best possible systems and conventions and guaranteeing the capture are productive, will prompt feelings, which additionally underpins the wrongdoing control model (Schmeltzer, R, 2014). With that, prompts the most extreme stage under the fair treatment model, just like the starter hearing. At this stage the blamed has just been prompted for their privileges in their first appearance and its now onto decide honest dependent on reasonable justification and the proof being introduced. As this stage focuses upon the blamed and their privileges, it additionally makes investigation upon the police. Deciding if reason for reasonable justification were validated and decide the quality of the proof and is it was gathered as per the law. This decency techniques - fair treatment model; best chance to consider al the realities is during the Preliminary Hearing. Introducing at some other stage after isn't actually past the point of no return, yet this is the main chance to address guiltlessness, as the proof is being assessed and assurance on further activity is being tended to (Schmeltzer, Z, 2014). Distinguish and talk about the contrasts between the two significant wellsprings of measurable information about wrongdoing in the United States. The Uniform Crime Report (LACK) has been around since 1929 yet it has never been a program to really catch slants precisely. Significantly after the progress of the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBS), the program was waver upgraded to recognize disparities and address issues which thwarted the first CAR. NIBS upgraded wrongdoing information assortment and improved the procedure in gathering information, however were still difficulties. Not exclusively were there issues with the two projects coordinating more established information with more up to date information, this program gets its data from law authorization wrongdoing reports by survivors of violations. An issue with that isn't all wrongdoings are accounted for to police and another is the means by which it has been established that divisions have been known to downsize a wrongdoing to reflect improvement to the crime percentage. As per Schmeltzer, F. 014), a 201 2 investigation of almost 2000 resign New York police Department officials found that the control of wrongdoing report has become a piece of police culture (p. 30). At the point when this happens, it makes a troublesome errand to decide hazardous cultural patterns. To aid this the National Crime Factorization Survey (NCSC) was set up to supplement the I-JAR by gatheri ng data on a national level through family unit, casualty self-reports. It apparently provides an increasingly precise record of violations, since it considers the two wrongdoings detailed and not. Both these projects are the two significant sources to quantify wrongdoing. Separately they are not really ready to catch the genuine cultural patterns since every one of these projects fill an individual need toward various parts of wrongdoing. At the point when they are joined, in any case, there is a superior comprehension in catching real insights and the countries wrongdoing issue. Refreshing to address developing new patterns would make it increasingly proficient yet until further notice fill its need in catching gauge designs (Plants, M. , Longboat, L. , 2014). Of the numerous uncommon classes of wrongdoing, which particular exceptional classification wrongdoing do you think represents the most basic worry in contemporary American Society? Clarify why. Of the numerous unique classes of wrongdoing, the one which represents the most basic concern is high innovation and PC wrongdoing. Cybercafã © is on the ascent and we are beginning to see more episodes of this wrongdoing all through the world in regards to burglary of administrations, theft or phony, electronic vandalism and monetary foundation hackings. Late occasions show considerably more prominent worry with the hacking of a U. S. Rene in Russia (US News, 2014) and the hacking of a Department of Homeland Security contractual worker - who does analytical foundation check;being penetrated for his data (The Washington Post, 2014). All these are basically a depiction of what these digital fear based oppressor/programmers can do, yet the more prominent worry in this classification ought to b e the helplessness our basic framework. As indicated by Mike McConnell, who was the National Intelligence Director from 2007-2009, he vouched for Senate in 2010, If the country did battle today, in digital, we would lose. Were the most powerless. We are the most associated. We have the most to lose (P. W. Vocalist A. Friedman, 2014, p. 151). Our framework is more in danger now than it was 10 years back, because of the way that numerous frameworks are no annoyance free, yet interlinked to each other. From that comes the helplessness to cybercafã ©, as framework ties all of us into one element and that is the manner by which subordinate Americans are to the web and present day innovation. Digital adversaries - remote and domestic;have the abilities to altogether disturb our basic foundation or shut them down totally. It would just take a digital assault upon our basic foundation: transportation, electric force lattices, money related establishments, correspondences frameworks or pipeline access for gas and oil to perpetrate crippling or passing toward America and putting us n a digital. As found on account of Student Irans atomic facil

Friday, August 21, 2020

Ophthalmoplegic Migraine Paediatric Oculomotor Schwannoma

Ophthalmoplegic Migraine Pediatric Oculomotor Schwannoma Relating Author: Dr.R.Subasree Title : Ophthalmoplegic Migraine and Pediatric Oculomotor Schwannoma: Cause or Co-Incidence? Organized Abstract: Objective: To report an instance of Ophthalmoplegic headache with Pediatric Oculomotor Schwannoma which is uncommon. Techniques: A multi year old kid conceded as inpatient at our tertiary referral place and University clinic in South India, with history of repetitive cerebral pains and oculomotor paralysis of 14 years term was assessed in detail to preclude back fossa, orbital gap, parasellar sores, granulomatous disarranges and aneurysms. Results: Initial CT Brain uncovered a nodular non-improving injury in the interpeduncular reservoir, MR Imaging alongside CISS 3D grouping completed two years after the fact after CT, uncovered a little upgrading nodular sore at the degree of midbrain in the interpeduncular storage at nerve leave level reminiscent of schwannoma of third nerve. Practice: Patient was treated with analgesics, nimodipine and valproate with which there was a fractional reaction. During his ensuing multi year development, his recurrence and seriousness of assaults had diminished. End: Oculomotor nerve schwannomas are amazingly uncommon. Just 12 youngsters younger than 18, without neurofibromatosis have been adequately reported. The conjunction of OM and Oculomotor schwannoma recommends that it's anything but a happenstance. Mindfulness and doubt is required to recognize cranial cephalalgia/OM and it warrants careful examination to preclude inborn injuries impersonating OM. Suggestions. Discussions exist till date with respect to etiology, pathophysiology, imaging discoveries and the board rules of OM. The uncommon affiliation detailed in our report gives knowledge into better comprehension of the pathophysiology and clinico-radiological relationships in OM. Watchwords: Ophthalmoplegic headache, Oculomotor Schwanomma Presentation Ophthalmoplegic headache is extremely uncommon with yearly occurrence being 0.7 per million. It regularly happens in earliest stages or adolescence. There are intermittent assaults of cerebral pain in relationship with ophthalmoplegia because of paresis of cranial nerve III, IV, or VI .The scenes of ophthalmoplegia may endure for a few hours to half a month, months, or for all time. Frequently it is self-constrained condition. Ophthalmoplegic headache is likewise perceived as a cranial neuralgia as per 2004 release of the International Classification of Headache Disorders. [1] .Pediatric Oculomotor Schwannoma is very uncommon and it can impersonate OM. We portray a little youngster with repetitive ophthalmoplegic headache and oculomotor schwannoma in MR imaging. Clinical Observation A multi year old kid gave history of left hemicranial cerebral pain of 14year span. The cerebral pain was throbbing, serious related with hanging of left eye, obscuring of left eye vision, photograph phonophobia, queasiness and spewing. The recurrence of assaults was around 15 every month each going on for 3-48 hours. During the assault, he was found to have left sided ptosis, inadequately responsive ordinary measured student and gentle left height and adduction limitation. (Figure 1).There was steady lingering vision misfortune in left eye with sharpness of 6/60. Fundus was ordinary. There were no different shortages. Examinations were completed to preclude back fossa, orbital gap and parasellar sores. Beginning CT Brain uncovered a nodular non-improving injury in the interpeduncular reservoir , MR Imaging alongside CISS 3D succession completed two years after the fact (Figure 3a, 3b) uncovered a little upgrading nodular sore at the degree of midbrain in the interpeduncular storage at nerve leave level reminiscent of schwannoma of third nerve. MR Angiography was typical. (Figure 3c). Tolerant was treated with analgesics, nimodipine and valproate with which there was a fractional reaction. Steroids were not controlled. During his ensuing multi year development, his recurrence and seriousness of assaults had diminished. Pediatric Oculomotor Schwanomma is available as effortless oculomotor deficiency or might be asymptomatic and distinguished by chance. Its essence with OM suggests a conversation starter whether it was a negligible occurrence or the reason for OM. Conversation: Ophthalmoplegic headache is an uncommon unmistakable neurologic disorder portrayed by intermittent migraine and ophthalmoplegia. The third cranial nerve is most normally influenced. Most patients recuperate totally inside days to weeks, however a minority are left with persevering neurologic shortages. [1] .according to the International Classification of Headache, ophthalmoplegic headache is characterized as at any rate 2 assaults of ‘‘migraine-like’’ cerebral pain followed inside 4 days by paresis of the third, fourth, or potentially 6th cranial nerves, including ophthalmoparesis, ptosis, or mydriasis .[2] Gap between the beginning of migraine and the cranial nerve paralysis has shifted between 2 days and10 weeks. [3]The precise etiology of this condition stays obscure. Oculomotor nerve pressure, ischemia, growing of the back cerebral conduit, pituitary expanding, vascular peculiarity, considerate viral disease, demyelinating neuropathy, initiation of trig emino-vascular framework are the different pathogenesis ensnared. Maladies, for example, vascular mutation, granulomatous contaminations, pituitary circulatory trouble, sarcoidosis and ceaseless provocative, demyelinating polyneuropathies may have comparative clinical introduction like OM. So differentiate improved MRI and attractive reverberation angiography ought to be the examinations of first decision for the finding of OM, trailed by a cautious clinical assessment and spinal tap. Now and again, regular angiogram might be important to prohibit an aneurysm. [4]. Imprint et al. 1998.,[5]found central thickening of the nerve in non-differentiate examines, and further thickening was available on the difference improved pictures in the region of the leave zone of the nerve in the entomb peduncular storage. Carlow examined the attractive reverberation filters in six patients determined to have OM and did a review writing study in 17 patients with OM, every one of whom indicated thickened ipsilateral oculomotor nerves at the midbrain exit in noncontrast T 1 - weighted pictures. Differentiation T 1 - weighted attractive reverberation filters indicated upgrade of the ipsilateral oculomotor nerves. [6].Many cases show improvement in the upgrade of cranial nerve III with goals of the side effects, yet the planning and level of goals has not been predictable in reports. Differentiation improvement on MRI isn't a sine qua non for the conclusion of OM. Gelfand AA et al., 2011 [1] efficiently looked into all instances of OM in writing between1995 to 2010. There were a sum of 80 cases .The middle age at the hour of the first ophthalmoplegic headache assault was 8 years (3-16 years) .The third cranial nerve was associated with most by far of cases (83%), 6th cranial nerve was engaged with 20% and the fourth nerve in 2% of cases. The interim between cerebral pain beginning and ophthalmoparesis extended from quick to as long as 14 days. The ophthalmoplegia would in general last more (2 to 3 weeks to 2 to 3 months) .In 54%, determined deficiencies were watched. Of 52 patients who had a complexity mind MRI during an intense assault, 75% had differentiate improvement of the third nerve and 76% had nerve thickening. There was a profit by corticosteroid treatment in 54%. Schwannomas are benevolent fringe nerve sheath tumors with incredible affinity to emerge from vestibular nerves. Oculomotor nerve schwannomas are very uncommon. There are just 40 cases revealed in the writing. Just 12 youngsters younger than 18, without neurofibromatosis have been adequately archived. [7] In 1982, Leunda et al. [8] detailed a case in a 11-year-old kid whose tumor was resected en coalition and positioned as the biggest oculomotor nerve schwannoma archived around then, with a 55-mm distance across. From that point forward, another 11 histologically demonstrated pediatric cases have been portrayed progressively in the writing. The normal measurements of the pediatric tumors size is 19.5 mm. Oculomotor nerve paresis was the most widely recognized neurological sign and a variable level of oculomotor nerve brokenness, including ptosis, diplopia, or widened understudy, was available in everything except one . Term of preoperative indications and signs ran from about fourteen days to 12 years. Creators opine that injury size didn't connect with the level of oculomotor nerve shortfall. Ipsilateral ophthalmoplegic headache was found in two instances of cisternal microlesions including the underlying prepontine fragment of oculomotor nerve. [7].Total evacuation of schwannoma for the most part brought about extreme postoperative parent nerve paresis. Careful treatment was shown distinctly for huge tumors that introduced in relationship with cognizance unsettling influence, other cranial nerve signs, or hemiparesis because of mass impact, or in situations where the sore indicated harmful highlights with fast growth. Murakami et al., 2005 [9] depicted an instance of a 11-year-old young lady with oculomotor nerve schwannoma who had been experiencing manifestations emulating OM. Her assaults turned out to be progressively visit and were not constrained by prescription. After medical procedure, the recurrence of OM assaults diminished. This was the principal report to portray a pathologically affirmed instance of oculomotor nerve schwannoma emulating OM. Riahi An et al., 2014[10] portrayed a multi year old young lady with repetitive agonizing ophthalmoplegia, who on assessment was found to have left oculomotor paralysis. Her third MRI concentrating on third nerve uncovered schwannoma of the oculomotor nerve in left cisternal divide. Kawasaki et al., 1999 [11] detailed an instance of the conjunction of OM and ipsilateral third nerve schwannoma .The creators had an intense and a subsequent MRI during a recuperation stage and saw no distinction. The concurrence of two uncommon conditions proposes that a minor occurrence is far-fetched. It has been suggested that rehashed aggravation could prompt a demyelination/remyelination process with Schwann cell expansion a

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

The Collective Mr. Hyde - Literature Essay Samples

With his Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson presents encounters between several upstanding members of Victorian society and Mr. Hyde, a man who seems to disregard all social conventions in favor of selfishness and barbarity. To be sure, Hydes actions merit disapproval, but Jekylls friends feel a severe physical aversion to Hyde at first glance, even before its intellectual equivalent can arise. Intriguingly, none of these men‹Gabriel Utterson, Richard Enfield, and Hastie Lanyon‹can pinpoint exactly what aspect of Hyde is so unpalatable. Enfield says, I never saw a man I so disliked, and yet I scarce know why . . . he gives a strong feeling of deformity, although I couldnt specify the point (Stevenson 8), while Lanyon elaborates, there was something abnormal and misbegotten in the very essence of the creature that now faced me‹something seizing, surprising, and revolting (Stevenson 73). If he has no visible malformations, no disfiguring scars or deformities, w hy do three well-respected men react with such vehement disgust at the sight of Mr. Hyde?In his essay The Uncanny, famed psycho-analyst Sigmund Freud seeks to answer a more generic form of this question: what evokes repulsion and distress (Freud 219) in a human being, such that we call it uncanny? Over the course of his essay, Freud asserts that the word uncanny1 delineates, both linguistically and psychologically, a coalescence of two seemingly opposing categories‹that which is familiar to us and that which is concealed. For instance, Freud posits zombies, the dead returned, as an example of the uncanny; in them we see a conjugation of life, with which we are familiar, and death, the nature of which is hidden from our knowledge. He then explains this apparent paradox by claiming that what we have named the uncanny elicits disgust because it is something which is familiar and old-established in the mind and which has become alienated from it only through the process of repressio n (Freud 241). Using the zombie example, we feel disgust because we have repressed our once-commonly-held belief that the dead can become visible as spirits (Freud 242). In this way, familiar things that we forcefully conceal become uncanny and thus repulsive upon their return, no matter whether they were originally harmful or frightening.Hyde certainly effects repulsion in Jekylls friends, and the story of his concealment and subsequent release seems at first glance to fit Freuds theory of the uncanny perfectly. Jekyll describes the repression of his selfish desires in a letter to Utterson, his lawyer:The worst of my faults was a certain impatient gaiety of disposition, such as has made the happiness of many, but such as I found it hard to reconcile with my imperious desire to carry my head high, and wear a more than commonly grave countenance before the public. Hence it came about that I concealed my pleasures. . . .I stood already committed to a profound duplicity of life. (Steve nson 78)Thus Jekyll admits to spurning one side of himself, the side of sensual appetite, in favor of the sedate aspect sanctioned by the Victorian social network. When he later concocts a potion in order to let free this portion of his identity, which he ironically dubs Mr. Hyde, Freuds theory would seem to predict that Hyde, as an example of the uncanny, should evoke distress and repulsion in others. However, if we read the story completely literally, we see that Hyde is familiar to and concealed by only Jekyll, not his friends, and thus should have no effect on them. For an answer to our original question, then, we must look deeper.Through a closer reading of the story, we see that Stevenson implies that there exists a Hyde within each individual, and the answer to our question becomes clear. Jekyll writes, Many a man would have even blazoned such irregularities as I was guilty of; but from the high views that I had set before me, I regarded and hid them with an almost morbid sen se of shame (Stevenson 78). Jekylls admission of the unsatisfied sensual desires within him thus leads to a realization that all men, specifically all men in Victorian England, were forced to conceal desires in order to remain in societys good graces. Lanyon echoes this sentiment, writing, I have since had reason to believe the cause [of his repulsion towards Hyde] to lie much deeper in the nature of man (72). Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde thus elucidates the individual Victorian mans inner struggle between sensualism and the rigid moral and social structure in which he had to live his life.By hinting at a hidden Hyde in Utterson and Enfield, who serve as a representative normal Victorian men, Stevenson suggests that the repression of a Hyde is an aspect of the Victorian mans condition. This intimation begins on the very first page of the novel: [Utterson] had an approved tolerance for others; sometimes wondering, almost with envy, at the high pressure of spirits involved in their misdee ds (Stevenson 1). Whereas society as a whole would reproach a man who committed misdeeds, Utterson not only tolerated, but also envied his ability to rebel against society in order to indulge sensual appetites. Later, Utterson thinks of his own Hyde: He was humbled to the dust by the many ill things he had done, and raised up again into a sober and fearful gratitude by the many he had come so near to doing, yet avoided (Stevenson 20). The urge to perform these misdeeds derived from the Hyde within Utterson, and his ultimate ability to avoid performing most of them demonstrates a continuing, active repression of him. Enfields Hyde comes to light, ironically, during his account of his first encounter with the actual Mr. Hyde. When deciding how to punish him for trampling a young girl, Enfield thinks, Killing being out of the question, we did the next best (Stevenson 5). Since the child emerged unscathed from the trampling, it seems odd that Enfield would even think of capital punishme nt, let alone consider it the best, though implausible, option. Part of this extreme reaction against Mr. Hyde comes from the disgust evoked by his appearance, but it also hints at a violent aspect to Enfields character, an appetite that can be considered a type of Hyde. Freuds theory holds true for Utterson and Enfield, and indeed for every member of Victorian society, because they each have their own Hydes inside them and in their pasts; Hydes otherwise normal visage disgusts them because some part of their subconscious recognizes him immediately.Heres we see the fundamental difference between Jekyll and his three friends; whereas Jekyll is able to revolt against his societys command that all Hydes stay hidden, the other three remain faithful. Because Utterson, Enfield, and Lanyon all continue to adhere to the Victorian decorous ideal, we may say that they figuratively represent societys viewpoint, and their disgust at Hyde then mirrors the general Victorian disdain for sensuality . Stevensons greater message becomes clear here, as we observe that the very characters who represent societys influence seem to possess their own squelched inner desires. Jekylls respectable society, then, can only function by concealment of the collective Hyde, by denial of all sinful pleasures. Thus far, Freuds theory applies; Jekylls friends feeling of disgust at the sight of Hyde does arise because he, or what he embodies, is both familiar to and repressed by them and their society.One would assume that Freuds theory, having applied on a deeper level to Utterson, Enfield, and Lanyon, would hold true clearly and literally in the case of Dr. Jekyll himself. However, this is not the case; Freuds notion of the uncanny must be altered slightly in order to fit Stevensons novel. It would appear that Jekyll could have been the model for Freuds schema, since he is utterly familiar with Hydes urges and admits to concealing them in order to maintain his social status. When Hyde first appe ars in the story, though, Jekyll reacts not with repulsion but with acceptance. He writes, when I looked upon that ugly idol in the glass, I was conscious of no repugnance, rather of a leap of welcome. This, too, was myself (Stevenson 83). After suppressing his sensual urges for so many years, Jekyll feels relief at being able to indulge them, at being able to satisfy every aspect of his existence. He has made a conscious choice to lift the curtain of repression, and only later, when the social being in Jekyll tries to assert control, does he feel any disgust at what he discovers. For Freuds theory to fit this case, we must add a condition: a person can only be disgusted if he or she did not actively and willingly cease repressing whatever has returned. Jekylls friends had no desire to free their Hydes, and thus are disgusted when they see Jekylls, while the doctor chose to do so and is not.Some may argue that Jekyll should be disgusted by Hyde, and that Hyde should have remained re pressed. Surely, Utterson, Enfield, and Lanyon would clamor for Jekyll to re-encage Hyde, and indeed, by the end of the novel, perhaps Jekyll agrees that Hyde should never have received his parole. However, in a general sense, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde proposes that Victorian society exacerb ated its members Hydes by the very act of imprisoning them. Jekyll writes, My devil had been long caged, he came out roaring (Stevenson 92). This suggests that Hydes evil roaring through Victorian London is caused by the mountain of unfulfilled urges that he amassed while caged within Jekyll; the Hyde of Jekylls youth was inherently sinful‹by the standards of the day‹but not so utterly evil as to be murderous, less honorable, but not necessarily harmful. Jekyll writes, The pleasures which I made haste to seek in my disguise were, as I have said, undignified. . .But in the hands of Edward Hyde, they soon began to turn toward the monstrous (Stevenson 86). To be sure, the Hyde that emerges fr om Jekyll does reach this extreme monstrosity, but Jekyll implies that the Hyde that originally existed, before he was repressed, was merely undignified. Indeed, Hydes commits his lone murder directly after escaping from a two-month imprisonment, implying that his appetite had been built up over those two months until he craved to kill. Undignified actions may have offended the Victorian sensibility, but it seems doubtful that they would have included murder or violence against children. Indeed, Hydes commits his lone murder directly after escaping from a two-month imprisonment, implying that his appetite was built up through the repression of those two months, until he broke free with the desire to kill. In this way, as Freud posits in his essay, we see that the repression of all misdeeds leads to the eventual explosion of the most harmful. Conversely, by removing moral bans on the indulgence of sensual urges on a small scale, larger bursts of violence by individuals Hydes might be avoided.Using Freuds essay The Uncanny with Stevensons Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, then, we find an interesting peculiarity. Whereas characters who do not fit literally into Freuds schema react with the disgust he seeks to explain, the one characters who does fit feels (at first) no disgust whatsoever. Freuds theory must account for the difference between a character or person who actively stops repressing an urge, for whom no disgust will arise, and one who does not, for whom it will. Indeed, in Stevensons novel, a society dominated by the latter creates the atmosphere of repression that pushes Mr. Hyde from merely undignified to truly evil. Works CitedStevenson, Robert Louis. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. New York: Bantam, 1981.Freud, Sigmund. The Uncanny. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. Hogarth Press, division of Random House Ltd., 1961.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Vouvoyer in Translation

This is a very interesting word that the French may use to reprimand someone, or to remind them, or inform them of status. Essentially,  vouvoyer (pronounced voo vwa  yay) means to use vous with someone. Vous is the more formal version of you, whereas tu is informal. Example Il faut vouvoyer le chef.You should use vous with the boss (equivalent to saying call him sir).   Related Le vouvoiement - the action of using vous with someone.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Character Development In Ralph Ellisons The Invisible Man

Character development within novels with complex plot structures proves to be a difficult task necessitating the author to add their own inner thoughts and experiences to weave a more realistic story. The historical background of a writer helps glean on information about that person’s unconscious and subconscious processes that become apparent within an author’s literature. As the author develops their thoughts throughout a novel attempting to paint a clearer picture of their purpose, their own persona becomes a part of the literature. Psychoanalytic theory attempts to further this claim by taking information from one’s childhood, inner taboo thoughts and hidden motivations, and synthesizing them for a better picture of the author’s†¦show more content†¦Ellison relays this when his narrator is â€Å"under the spell of the reefer,† and discovers â€Å"a new analytical way of listening to music† (Ellison 8). Although the man despises t he feeling of altered time that reefer is associated with, he can appreciate the sensitivities of music within the manipulated psychological state of mind. Without Ellison’s own experiences with music and the feelings of euphoria it brought upon him, it would be nearly impossible to relay such clear messages of passion within the novel. This character in the very beginning of the novel was one that had been satisfied with his life and decided to remain actively dormant to the outside world, but as Ellison tells his story, music is mentioned in multiple instances. As he attempts to find a job, Mr. Emerson’s son tells him that â€Å"a number of my friends are jazz musicians...I know the conditions under which you live - Why go back?† (Ellison 188) Ralph Ellison understands the struggle that musicians go through to make a living, especially in places where opportunities are extremely few. Anywhere other than Harlem, the narrator would be unable to find anything to do with his talents. This may be a feeling the younger Ellison himself also felt, the competitiveness and the limited scope of opportunities that musicians had may have forced him to move into the North and even take his talents into the area of writing. Ellison’s childhood experiences with music inspire him to writeShow MoreRelatedMetaphors In Ralph Ellisons Invisible Man1235 Words   |  5 PagesMetaphors in Invisible Man Ellison uses many examples of metaphors in his novel to convey invisibility, especially with references to music, imagery, and the use of a nameless character. With literature that challenged the accepted ideals surrounding that time period, Ellison expresses his thoughts by comparing an invisible man to various relatable subjects in life. 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Marketing Strategy of Breville Double-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Disucss about the Marketing Mix and Marketing Strategy for "Breville Double Boiler Coffee Machine". Answer: Introduction The purpose of producing the paper is to develop a marketing strategy report which can significantly highlight the targeting, positioning and the marketing mix for the Breville Double Boiler Coffee Machine". It is the key product which can attain huge market share and customer base by the means of effective marketing mix and brand positioning. The data has been gathered from various secondary resources which has a vital role in framing the marketing mix and marketing strategies, there were also analyzed certain issues in gathering the data such as confidentiality and privacy issues that restricted the easy access to relevant data (Gammoh, Koh and Okoroafo, 2011).In the present scenario, there is a much need of the Breville Double Boiler Coffee Machine" in both the household as well as in the restaurants and offices. And thus to meet the needs of the consumers, there is an extensive need for developing the marketing mix and marketing strategy for the product. Target segment Theone segment that is targeted to implement a marketing strategy is the psychographic segmentation. The psychographic segmentation is one the basis of the lifestyle of the individuals. The value, interest and attitude of the individuals help the marketers to classify the products and services into small groups. The psychographic segmentation is selected as the targeted segment because there are factors such as the demand for the Breville Double Boiler Coffee Machine" is depended upon the attitude and lifestyle of the people as they want to save their time as well as because of the various new and pioneering trends there is demand for the Breville Double Boiler Coffee Machine". Because of the changing lifestyles of the people there is less time with the individuals to manage the modern lifestyle they have a need of the Breville Double Boiler Coffee Machine" in managing their daily lives and routine (Solomon, 2014). It is considered as one of the best opportunity for sales because of the reason that with the changing lifestyles and shortage of time, the individuals have a need to purchase the Breville Double Boiler Coffee Machine" for having faster serving of coffee. The recommended marketing mix strategy for targeting this segment is by the means of social and digital marketing so that more and increased number of customer bases can be targeted (Wedel and Kamakura, 2012). Brand Positioning To position the brand of Breville Double Boiler Coffee Machine" in the market there is a need of brand positioning strategy which will be helpful in offering the brand a point of difference by the means of providing USP i.e. unique selling proposition. The brand positioning strategy which will be used by the brand will be differentiation and value positioning. The product has several innovative and pioneering technologies which offer the brand with benefits and advantages of differentiation and helps in effective positioning of the brand in the consumer market (Hassan and Craft, 2012).With the differentiation strategy, there is also value positioning by which the brand offers high value to its customers in comparison with the competitors products. The Breville Double Boiler Coffee Machine" offers value-priced and high quality products to the consumers for having a brand positioning in the market (Aaker, and Joachimsthaler, 2012).In the positioning map, Yellow shows Breville Double Bo iler Coffee Machine", Black is for Brewtus Espresso, Green is for premix team and coffee machine and blue is for La Cimbali Espresso Coffee Mchine. Positioning Map As per the positioning map, it has been analyzed that Breville Double Boiler Coffee Machine" stands at a very good position which shows that the quality is vet high and good position that explains that the prices are reasonable but the quality is very effective. Marketing Mix recommendations PLC and the diffusion of innovation In the Product life cycle, the product Breville Double Boiler Coffee Machine" is at the growth stage as it has already established its presence in various regions and as per the growth stage, the consumers the brand will target will be the households, the organisations, small offices and also the various cafes and restaurants so that it can also attain more customer base and market share (Kapferer, 2012). Types of consumer products The product comes under the category of unsought products as these are the products that the consumers do not have knowledge about or gain knowledge but does not usually consider buying. Such products are purchased when there are specific needs and when the consumers have appropriate knowledge about these products. Therefore, Breville Double Boiler Coffee Machine is an unsought consumer product (Akaka and Alden, 2010). Product As the product is already have touched the growth stage in the PLC, thus, there is a need to have more innovations in the product design to effectively implement and communicate the brand positioning. The product offer will possess more pioneering and innovative technologies with less energy consumption. The unique selling proposition of the product will be its innovative technology but at comparatively low prices (Jain, 2013). Place The key place targeted by the product is Australia as there is an essential need for such machines in the offices as well as in the households and the restaurants. The channels require for effective distribution of the products can be both online selling as well as by the means of having promotions by the means of campaigns so that there can be increase distribution and sales of the products by firstly informing people about the product (Hollensen, 2015). Promotion There will be an integrated marketing communication campaign that will help in promoting and advertising the brand in a more unified, consistent and clear manner. The message for the target customers in the campaign will be to have instant coffee in one go with unique flavors and taste (Armstrong, et al., 2015). To promote the product there will take use of three efficient promotional tools that comprises of: TV Commercial: To have strong brand positioning there will be taken use of the most strong channel i.e. the TV commercial so that more number of people can be targeted Sales Promotion: There will also be effective role of sales promotions tools in achieving strong bard positioning as the brand will provide free demonstration of the products and the Price Off offer to attract the customers by giving the customers some discount on the actual prices (Hassan and Craft 2012). Billboard: For attaining increased customer base and to have high promotions, there will be take use of the billboards for displaying the advertisement of the Breville Double Boiler Coffee Machine. It will result in enhanced publicity of the product (Khan, 2014). The reason behind choosing these particular promotional tools is that all these tools have an extended and strong coverage which can help the product to have rapid and effective marketing. All the three tools are highly diverse thus they will be able to target various markets and can capture diverse set of customers from various regions. These tools also assist in brand positioning as these tools helps in gaining strong market share which ultimately results in high market visibility and positioning of the brand (Varadarajan, 2010). Price For marketing the product there will be used penetration pricing as the brand positions itself through differentiation and value position by offering the product at comparatively low prices than the competitors. Thus to establish and position the brand the products are available at such prices which are affordable by the consumers (Kotler, 2012). Summary Table of Marketing Mix Mix Current what the Brand is doing now Recommendation Explain how your Recommendation will more-effectively support and communicate your Brand Positioning. Product Selling Breville Double Boiler Coffee Machine with similar technologies as of competitors To increase technology and have innovations in the product By taking use of innovative technologies and up gradations, there can be fetched attention of the new customers bases Place Some regions of Australia To cover entire Australia as well as some neighboring regions This will result in more sales and increased customer base with high visibility Promotion Using online platform and physical store and posters To take use of TV commercials, billboards and sales promotions These channels will give an extended coverage to the products which will result in fetching attention of the potential customers Price Selling at nominal prices To offer product at little low prices in comparison with the competitors This will help in fascinating increased customer base as more consumers will be able to purchase the product Conclusion From the report, it can be concluded that by having an effective and adequate implementation of the marketing mix there will be brand positioning to the set target market. It has been analyzed that the marketing mix is internally consistent as all the 4Ps are in consistence with the positioning of the product. The recommended marketing mix in context with rice will help the product to have higher market share throw low pricing. In terms of place and products, there will be increased sales in the other regions of Australia and with innovative technologies more number of consumers can be targeted. In terms of promotion, the billboards, TV commercial and sales promotion will help the product in achieving a more competitive advantage. The recommendations offered can be stated as both socially responsible as well as ethical as all the marketing mix recommendations are beneficial for the societies as comparatively the products are available at low prices. In respect with the aspect of corporate social responsibility, the marketing mix recommendations must be implement in a way that it helps the society such as by offering free samples at some NGOs and by participating in social campaigns. There should also implement a corporate compliance programs so that all the activities are socially and ethically rights. To evaluate the overall performance of the marketing mix, there must be used triple bottom line reporting according to which there will be analysis of the performance on the basis of three major levels i.e. financial, environmental and social. If at all the levels, the product met the criteria, then are considered as ethically working (Hall, 2011). References Aaker, D.A. and Joachimsthaler, E., 2012.Brand leadership.Simon and Schuster. Akaka, M.A. and Alden, D.L., 2010. Global brand positioning and perceptions: International advertising and global consumer culture.International Journal of Advertising,29(1), pp.37-56. 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